Friday, 9 August 2019

IRIS - Heart of an Artist (2018)

From YouTuber Will Ryan, better known as DAGames, and under the moniker "IRIS", comes his debut album Heart of an Artist, born out his own personal hardships in life. Now, this album was released in the May of 2018, and I had no idea it existed until I discovered it in September. "Better late than never", they say, and I can most definitely agree. This album is a rock-fest, filled with 10 amazing tunes, an intro, and an outro. When I first listened to this, I was blown away by the capability Ryan has as an artist, and not only that. I was blown away by how much passion and soul he put into the album.

I remember walking home from school, just jamming out to "Lost Now Found" and "You're Just Making Us Stronger" and still, they are arguably the 2 best songs on the album. At least, in my opinion. On the subject of the songs themselves, the majority of them are absolute bangers, with composition created with drive and determination. The most personal song to Ryan is "As The Lights Go Out" being described as one "close to my heart", and with that, it's a more relaxed piano-based song, rather than drums and guitar. This being said, Ryan did make a rock version of it and with everything else thrown in the mix, he added more emotion to an already emotional song. The album in its entirety is born out of his hardships in life and as a YouTuber, which is shown through the lyrics of each individual song. With the highs comes the lows, meaning there was 1 song that I'm not particularly fond of, which is "Castle That Never Dies". While I say "song", it's a story.

"The story is about my struggles and my friends and family being the characters in the story, but also represents that hardest thing I've ever had to write in my entire life... I hope not for this to be a favourite song... But a story that I can tell all of you."

Don't me wrong, it's not bad. It's another personal song written by Ryan, but the reason it's not my favourite is mainly due the fact it's not a song. I do like it, but it's not my favourite.

In conclusion, this deep, driven, heart-and-soul-filled debut album by DAGames / IRIS is one of empowerment, almost. Detailing your life experiences, allowing others to listen, allowing others to relate is something I will greatly respect. Can't wait to see what The Goliath's Throne has to offer.

Favourite Tracks: "Lost Now Found", "Too Dangerous", "You're Just Making Us Stronger", "Heart of an Artist"
Rating: 10 / 10

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