Thursday, 31 October 2019

Alter Bridge - Walk the Sky (2019)

Almost ever since I heard Alter Bridge was releasing a new album, I've been wondering whether I should listen to it or not. I've listened to it, and I was not disappointed. A whole new tone has been set, compared to their first album One Day Remains, and it is really remarkable. Walk the Sky is the sixth studio album by rock band Alter Bridge, and it's not wrong to say that they have come a long way since 2004. While they have not lost touch with their roots, they have definitely put a modern twist on their unique style.

With 14 tracks lasting almost exactly an hour, Walk the Sky delivers a rock album unlike others on this blog. Firstly, it's much like their other songs, which make you want to sing along at the top of your lungs. This alone makes an album enjoyable, as you can have fun along with them. And secondly, there's no screaming or growling, which, when used too much, can ruin a song or an entire album, à la Survival Machines. These can be good, however, but in moderation.

Moving onto the actual song, they are all excellently well crafted, but I feel like the first half of the album is a whole lot better than the second half. It's hard to explain, but the first few songs are the best but then just goes downhill from there. It's not to say "Oh, these songs are crap". Far from it, in fact. The craftsmanship put into songs like "Wouldn't You Rather" and "Take the Crown" is just a lot better than that of "Walking in the Sky", for example. They ain't no "Metalingus", that's for sure. To compare it to One Day Remains, Walk the Sky offers songs I'd say are better than some on the One Day Remains, and vice versa, but if I had to pick which one was better, I'd have to say One Day Remains is better, but not by much.

Overall, Walk the Sky is an impressive album by Alter Bridge and showcases their progress over 15 years. I'd like to rate it higher, but it falls short in a few aspects. This is an album I would most definitely recommend you listen to. A fun, electric-guitar filled hour of greatness.

Favourite Tracks: "Wouldn't You Rather", "In the Deep", "Godspeed", "Take the Crown", "The Bitter End"
Rating: 8 / 10